
‘Player of the Series’ Leader Board

The ‘Player of the Series’ Leader Board awards the top three finishers with unique PokerStars Festival prizes.

Points are earned in all KO Series tournaments, with more points awarded based on your finishing position. See below for how points are awarded. The overall winner at the end of the series will be crowned ‘Player of the Series’.

For full results of each tournament, please visit the PokerStars client.

‘Player of the Series’ Leader Board Prizes:

1 Package to a PokerStars Festival (€1,100 entry + hotel + expenses, valued at €2,000)
2 Seat + Expenses to a PokerStars Festival (€1,100 + €400 expenses)
3 Seat to a PokerStars Festival: €1,100

KO Series ‘Player of the Series’ Leader Board

Points Structure

Tournament Champion 100
2nd Place 80
3rd Place 70
4th Place 60
5th Place 55
6th Place 50
7th Place 45
8th Place 40
9th Place 35
10th - 18th Place 30
Remaining Cashers - Top 10% 25
Remaining Cashers - 2nd 10% 20
Remaining Cashers - 3rd 20% 15
Remaining Cashers - 4th 20% 10
Remaining Cashers - Final 40 % 5
No points will be awarded to those positions not awarded  

For full results of each tournament, please visit the PokerStars client.

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